Printshop Out of House events!
This current call is closed, but Rubber City Prints is still accepting 2d works to anyone that purchases annual membership. We will have more out of house shows this year. Stay tuned.
This is the first call, we will have more opportunities at local organizations outside of our Rubber City Prints studio in 2025. Please note this has been a quick call and submitting deadline for images is this friday January 10th. It's Open to all 2D Art, please apply and submit images by next Monday at the latest. Thank you, we look forward to your participation!
Please see the attached document with details from Ivana Medukic for our RCP members show January 23, 2025 and runs through Tuesday, April 1, 2025 at the main building of Summa Health.
The size limit is 5'x5' and 1-3 pieces may be selected, Limit to 3 images. Plexi glass and framed requirements is not typical of our shows so be aware this is a framed/plexiglass non glass cover requirement.
If you are interested in participating and need to renew your membership please submit $25 (will be good for 1 year)
Link to website membership here!
Or give Rubber City Prints a check/cash with submission.
I'll attach a brief form for you to fill out this can be submitted to and
as according to the pdf below. (You can type the information from the entry form into a document or email) Confirm by replying to this email or texting the shop phone of your participation. 330-269-9837
The entry selection will be chosen by Ivana Medukic at Summa Health Gallery all other works not chosen can be submitted to RCP flat wrapped. Please see the documents attached for this first call.

Color High Call for Entry - Printmakers MAY-JUNE 2025!
Call for Artists - DEADLINE : April 29, 2025
Rubber City Prints
467 W Market St, Akron, OH, 44303
(330) 269-9837
Color High
Call for Entry - Printmakers!
Rubber City Prints
Akron’s Educational Fine Art Printshop 501(c)(3) Nonprofit
We are thrilled to announce our 2024 Color High exhibition at House Three Thirty in Akron, Ohio!
Color High is an annual off-site print exhibition celebrating the magnificent colors that can be achieved in the different processes of printmaking. We are looking for prints that are exuberant and vivid.
On View: May- June
Show Reception: May 2025
Drop Off: Rubber City Prints, Inc., 467 West Market Street, July 16, 6-8 PM, July 23, 8-10 AM, or by appointment
Print Arrival Deadline: July 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM
If mailed, you may choose tracking, but no one will be there to sign.
Entry Fee:
The entry fee for this exhibition is a membership to Rubber City Prints. The membership is $25 and includes entry fees in all 2024 exhibitions. Purchase by clicking photo to the right or submit 2 entries for free this year only!
Prints must be a minimum of 2 colors (no black and white only). Size limit is 22" x 30" for all prints.
1-4 ready-to-hang prints (flat wrapped is acceptable)
All prints must be dropped off in person.
Include price for prints and details of your work.
The artist receives 100% of the sale.
Art will be secured to easels and to walls if wall space is available.
Rubber City Prints and House Three Thirty assumes no responsibility for submissions. Artists are encouraged to insure their work as artists assume full responsibility for their work. Submissions remain the property of each artist.
Purchased art can be picked up at Rubber City Prints after the show has ended.
Booking Availabilty starting this May 2025! We will await a few house repairs
1 hr
Free1 hr
55 US dollars4 hr
45 US dollars

Printing Party
Learn Screenprinting
Grab a minimum of 10 guests and host your own art party at Rubber City Prints in Akron Ohio! All of our parties include all art supplies and instructor fees. We do private parties in all Fine Art Categories, Screenprinting, Intaglio, Monotype Printing, Painting, Drawing, and more, etc. Private parties are for everyone, no experience is required and we can adjust to the level of experience for your level of education in the printmaking realm.
All Private Parties are required to submit a $45 reservation fee and registration for your preferred party date. All submissions of images that need screen burns or printed to plates must be submitted no later than 48 hours before your party start time or you risk the chance that your images will not be ready. You may BYOB and bring food. Call / text 330-269-9837 to book your party.